Results for 'Yehuda I. Dor'

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  1.  9
    Age-related differences in processing of emotions in speech disappear with babble noise in the background.Yehuda I. Dor, Daniel Algom, Vered Shakuf & Boaz M. Ben-David - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Older adults process emotional speech differently than young adults, relying less on prosody (tone) relative to semantics (words). This study aimed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying these age-related differences via an emotional speech-in-noise test. A sample of 51 young and 47 older adults rated spoken sentences with emotional content on both prosody and semantics, presented on the background of wideband speech-spectrum noise (sensory interference) or on the background of multi-talker babble (sensory/cognitive interference). The presence of wideband noise eliminated age-related differences (...)
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    Multidimensional scaling of pain experiences.Ralph L. Carasso, Shlomo Yehuda & David I. Mostofsky - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (4):349-350.
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    (1 other version)If the I is a Point, How Can It have a Direction? Fichte’s Two-Stage Conceptualization of the Absolute I.Yehuda Oren - 2020 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102 (2).
    Fichte claims in Section 5 of the Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre that the absolute I contains a difference between two directions. In this paper, I argue that this specific claim complements, rather than contradicts, his general position in Section 1, according to which the absolute I is a simple identity or a point. I first show that we can identify a version of what I call Fichte’s Two-Directions Theory in texts written both before and after the GWL. I term this (...)
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  4. The Discovery of the Conservation of Energy with a Foreword by I. Bernard Cohen.Yehuda Elkana - 1974 - Hutchinson Educational.
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    A Problem for the Christian Mystical Doxastic Practice.Yehuda Gellman - 2010 - Philo 13 (1):23-28.
    William Alston has identified what he calls a “Christian Mystical Practice” as one of the many doxastic practices in which humans engage. He defends CMP as being as rational as other doxastic practices, including the sense perceptual practice, having its own input and output rules, and its own background overrider system. I argue that there seems to be a serious problem with Alston’s characterization of the overrider system for CMP. The presence of this problem threatens to damage Alston’s argument for (...)
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    Dogmatism, Criticism, Divine Ideals: Rav A. I. Kook’s Concept of God in Light of H. Cohen.Yehuda Oren - 2021 - Naharaim 15 (2):153-177.
    This paper examines the claim that the two final articles of Rav Kook’s book Ikvei Hatzon were written as a response to a lecture given by Hermann Cohen. It first reviews Cohen’s lecture showing that, regarding the concept of God, Cohen argues for the compatibility of Judaism and Kantianism in denying the dogmatic-mythological preoccupation with the existence of God in favor of understanding God as the basis of morality. Second, it analyzes Kook’s articles, demonstrating that he accepts the compatibility of (...)
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  7. Freedom and Interdisciplinarity: The Future of the University Curriculum.Yehuda Elkana - 2009 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 76 (4):933-942.
    I would like to argue that to a large extent universities are themselves to blame for their failure to respond adequately to external pressures of the day. Barring the work of a few exceptional departments and individuals here and there, universities are incapable of addressing precisely those problems that most preoccupy our societies nowadays. Granted, universities rightly regard themselves as playing a key role in preserving intellectual, academic and cultural traditions. This, however, should not be taken to be an acceptable (...)
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    The Convergence of Religious and Metaphysical Concepts.Yehuda Halper - 2011 - Studia Neoaristotelica 8 (2):163-177.
    Translators of Aristotle’s and Averroës’ metaphysical works into 14th C Hebrew often associated important philosophical concepts with Hebrew terms that were also used to signify central Jewish and Biblical religious concepts. Here I examine how two such terms, “mofet” and “devequt”, were used to refer to extraordinary, divine wonders and to clinging (in particular to God) respectively in the religious texts, but to Aristotelian demonstration and continuity (especially noetic continuity) respectively in the translations of Averroës’ Long Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. (...)
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    Enactivist How? Rethinking Metaphorizing as Imaginary Constraints Projected on Sensorimotor Interaction Dynamics.Dor Abrahamson - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (3):275-278.
    Welcoming their scholarly focus on metaphorizing, I critique Díaz-Rojas, Soto-Andrade and Videla-Reyes’s selection of the hypothetical constructs “conceptual metaphor” and “enactive ….
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  10. Sweet Participation: The Evolution of Music as an Interactive Technology.Dor Shilton - 2022 - Music and Science 5.
    Theories of music evolution rely on our understanding of what music is. Here, I argue that music is best conceptualized as an interactive technology, and propose a coevolutionary framework for its emergence. I present two basic models of attachment formation through behavioral alignment applicable to all forms of affiliative interaction and argue that the most critical distinguishing feature of music is entrained temporal coordination. Music's unique interactive strategy invites active participation and allows interactions to last longer, include more participants, and (...)
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  11.  36
    Reading Derrida with Daya Krishna: Postmodern Trends in Contemporary Indian Philosophy.Dor Miller - 2018 - Sophia 57 (3):425-442.
    In his published lectures Civilizations: Nostalgia and Utopia, Daya Krishna criticizes postmodern thought and especially the writings of Jacques Derrida. By outlining similarities between the two, I would claim that, indeed, it was Daya Krishna’s unexpected proximity to Derrida’s ‘deconstruction’ project that triggered his scathing critique of the latter. Moreover, Daya Krishna’s response to Derrida reveals an ongoing inner conflict in his own thinking. On the one hand, he provides us with a harsh critique of Derrida the ‘postmodern’; on the (...)
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  12. At the Dawn of the Call: From Human to Animal before the Division of the World.Rèmy Dor - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (4):105-114.
    ‘In the beginning was the word And the word was aardvark’Oulipo, Aux origines du langage, Bibliothéque oulipienne no. 121First I think I should explain that call. It echoed in my ears for the first time a very long time ago and far, far away: on the Roof of the World, the Afghan Pamir, more than 30 years ago. It was uttered by a Kirghiz shepherd following a herd of sheep. Even if it is not in fact possible to transcribe that (...)
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  13.  29
    From Symbolic Forms to Lexical Semantics: Where Modern Linguistics and Cassirer's Philosophy Start to Converge.Daniel Dor - 1999 - Science in Context 12 (4):493-511.
    The ArgumentErnst Cassirer's theory of language as a symbolic form, one of the richest and most insightful philosophies of language of the twentieth century, went virtually unnoticed in the mainstreams of modern linguistics. This was so for what seems to be a good metatheoretical reason: Cassirer insisted on the constitutive role of meaning in the explanation of linguistic phenomena, a position which was explicitly rejected by both American Structuralists and Chomskian Generativists. In the last decade, however, a new and promising (...)
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  14. Representations, Attitudes, and Factivity Evaluations: An Epistemically-Based Analysis of Lexical Selection.Daniel Dor - 1996 - Dissertation, Stanford University
    The thesis concerns itself with the selection constraints governing the basic distributional patterns of five complement constructions in English--the bare clause, the that-clause, the interrogative, the concealed question construction and the exclamative complement--across a wide array of knowledge, belief and communication predicates. The relevant distributional phenomena--which predicates are capable of embedding which complement types--have traditionally been captured by stipulative grammatical markings such as subcategorization frames, semantic selection frames and case-theoretic lexical markings. These theoretical tools, even to the extent that they (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Team Performance: The Mediating Role of Team Efficacy and Team Self-Esteem. [REVIEW]Chieh-Peng Lin, Yehuda Baruch & Wei-Chi Shih - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (2):167-180.
    This study examines the influence of three components of corporate social responsibility on team performance. In the proposed model of this study, team performance is indirectly affected by three dimensions of perceived corporate citizenship (i.e., economic, legal, and ethical citizenship) via the mediation of team efficacy and team self-esteem. Surveying members of 172 teams confirms most of our hypothesized effects. Our results show that economic citizenship influences team performance via the mediation of both team efficacy and team self-esteem. However, legal (...)
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  16.  6
    Ėkzistent︠s︡ializm i sovremennostʹ: pogranichnye situat︠s︡ii: Karl I︠A︡spers, Fëdor Koni︠u︡khov.Igorʹ Chindin - 2006 - Moskva: MATI. Edited by Karl Jaspers.
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  17. Dul ba mdo rtsaʼi brjed byaṅ thor bu blaṅ dor rnam ʼbyed ces bya ba bźugs so.Rje śEs-Rab-Rgya-Mtshos Mdzod - 2003 - In Thub-Bstan-Rgya-Mtsho, Dge baʼi bśes gñen chen po Dmu-dge Thub-bstan-rgya-mtsho sogs kyi gsuṅ rtsom phyogs bsgrigs bźugs so. Lan-chou: Kan-suʼu mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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    Critical notice of Jerome Yehuda Gellman, The people, the Torah, the God: a neo-traditional jewish theology. Brookline, MA: Academic Studies Press, 2023. 156 pp. $129.00 (hc). [REVIEW]Samuel Lebens - 2024 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 96 (1):99-107.
    In this critical review I outline the three main themes of Gellman’s The People, The Torah, The God, and explore the extent to which it lives up to its subtitle, as a “neo-traditional Jewish Theology.” The book is a summary of three volumes of Gellman’s previous work. The summary and the trilogy make an important contribution to contemporary Jewish thought. On some matters, I argue, Gellman’s thinking is more traditional than he realises. But irrespective of whether his theories live up (...)
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  19.  22
    Jewish values in a changing world: Yehuda Amital ; Amnon Bazak, editor ; David Strauss, translator ; Reuven Ziegler, translation editor.Yehudah ʻAmiṭal - 2005 - Jersey City, NJ: Ktav Pub. House.
    Pt. 1. The individual and his creator. The fear of God in our time -- Natural morality -- In-depth Torah study -- Levels of mitzvot -- The personal element in serving God -- Religious experience -- Naturalness in the worship of God -- The significance of Torah values -- Tension vs. tranquility in the worship of God -- Pt. 2. The individual and society. Fundamentals of prayer -- Derekh eretz, being a mensch -- "I dwell among my people" -- The (...)
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  20.  30
    Como aprendemos o que é dor? Uma análise crítica do §244 das Investigações Filosóficas de Wittgenstein.Julio Esteves - 2006 - Manuscrito 29 (2):479-498.
    In this paper I mainly draw attention to the largely discussed § 244 of the Philosophical Investigations of Ludwig Wittgenstein. I begin by providing what I take to be a right reconstruction of the argument in it, in which Wittgenstein maintains that, in contradistinction to the presup-positions of the supporter of a private language, we learn words for sen-sations, like “pain”, for example, not by correlating the sign directly with the corresponding sensation. Instead, “pain” is learned in connection with the (...)
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  21.  9
    O konieczności systematycznego i historycznego uprawiania etyki filozoficznej.Hans Michael Baumgartner - 1988 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 6:45-56.
    Die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Moral und Philosphie der Moral stellt sich für den Verfasser als Frage nach dor Notwendigkeit einer philosophischen Ethik sowohl grundsätzlich wie insbesondere heute. In dem Beitrag wird gezeigt, daß in zweierlei Hinsicht mit Recht und triftigen Gründen von der Notwendigkeit einer philosophischen Ethik gesprochen werden kann: 1) in Hinblick auf das systematische Verhältn is von Moral und philosophischer Ethik und 2) im Hinblick auf das geschichtliche Verhältnis beider, das durch die Strukturunserer gegenwärtigen Lebenswelt begründet (...)
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    A estrutura afetiva dos tipos de governo em Hobbes. I Pressupostos.Fernando Dias Andrade - 2021 - Cadernos Espinosanos 44:61-94.
    Os pressupostos da estrutura afetiva dos tipos de governo em Hobbes dizem respeito aos afetos fundamentais que determinam as ações humanas desde o estado de natureza, em especial o medo, o egoísmo e a glória. O medo, para Hobbes, talvez seja o afeto mais restritivo da liberdade natural no estado de natureza e, ao contrário, a principal condição para a obtenção da paz no estado civil, mas a esperança de glória é tão relevante quanto o medo para a transformação do (...)
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  23.  4
    Der Aufstieg einer Sprache.Elif Atabaş - 2024 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 8 (2):23-36.
    One of the most significant factors that harms a society in the long term is the gradual distancing from its shared values ​​and potential to bring differences together. In this study, we will discuss the transformation of Hebrew from a sacred scriptural language into a language used in daily life, which was thought of years before the establishment of Israel in 1948. The journey began with Prophet Joseph and his eleven brothers arriving in Egypt, who, after Joseph's death, gradually became (...)
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    Collective narratives, false memories, and the origins of autobiographical memory.Eva Jablonka - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (6):839-853.
    Building on Dor’s theory of language as a social technology for the instruction of imagination, I suggest that autobiographical memory evolved culturally as a response to the problems of false memory and deliberate deceit that were introduced by that technology. I propose that sapiens’ linguistic communication about past and future events initially occurred in small groups, and this helped to correct individual memory defects. However, when human groups grew in size and became more socially differentiated, and movement between groups prevented (...)
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  25. Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos.R. S. Cohen, P. K. Feyerabend & M. Wartofsky (eds.) - 1976 - Reidel.
    The death of Imre Lakatos on February 2, 1974 was a personal and philosophical loss to the worldwide circle of his friends, colleagues and students. This volume reflects the range of his interests in mathematics, logic, politics and especially in the history and methodology of the sciences. Indeed, Lakatos was a man in search of rationality in all of its forms. He thought he had found it in the historical development of scientific knowledge, yet he also saw rationality endangered everywhere. (...)
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  26. Are There Unconscious Perceptual Processes?Berit Brogaard - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):449-63.
    Blindsight and vision for action seem to be exemplars of unconscious visual processes. However, researchers have recently argued that blindsight is not really a kind of uncon- scious vision but is rather severely degraded conscious vision. Morten Overgaard and col- leagues have recently developed new methods for measuring the visibility of visual stimuli. Studies using these methods show that reported clarity of visual stimuli correlates with accuracy in both normal individuals and blindsight patients. Vision for action has also come under (...)
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  27.  28
    Two-Tier Thinking: A Moral Point of View.Adi Ophir - 1996 - Science in Context 9 (2):177-188.
    Among those who know Yehuda's work, the term “two-tier thinking” is usually associated with a problematic relativist position. But “two-tier thinking” is not a name for a philosophical argument; it is best understood, I think, as a term designating certain conditions of knowledge: universal, or modern, or perhaps only postmodern conditions, but in any case, they are generalizations derived from anthropological and psychological observations on matters of facts. This is how things actually work in the sphere of knowledge: Western (...)
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  28.  42
    The Curtailment of Memory: Hannah Arendt and Post-Holocaust Culture.Steve Buckler - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (3):287-303.
    The aim of this paper is to say something about the continuing impact of the Holocaust as an historical event through the application of aspects of Arendt's political thought and, at the same time, to say something about Arendt's distinctive understanding of the problems of post-Holocaust culture. An aim of this sort carries the intrinsic danger that the event in question becomes simply an illustration or grist to a particularinterpretative mill, an outcome that would be particularly undesirable here if it (...)
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  29.  13
    Kabbala als jüdische Philosophie.Christoph Schulte - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2017 (2):77-97.
    Among early modern Christian kabbbalists such as Pico della Mirandola and Christian Knorr von Rosenroth, Kabbalah counts as part of philosophia perennis and esoteric Jewish philosophy. Bruckers differentiation between Kabbalah as esoteric Jewish philosophy and Maimonides as exoteric Jewish philosophy is taken up by Tiedemann and Hegel, and is well known to Schelling and Molitor. In opposition to this taxinomy among Christian philosophers, Jewish philosophers and scholars of »Wissenschaft des Judentums« like Salomon Munk, Manuel Joel, Hermann Cohen or Julius Guttmann (...)
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  30. Sefer ha-Masorah.Aryeh Gliberson - 2022 - Ḳiryat Sefer : [Aryeh Gliberson],:
    ḥeleḳ 1. ha-Petiḥah : ha-Shem ha-meforash, En ʻod mi-levado, Torat emet ; Shaʻar 1. Matan Torah : ha-Torah she-ḳibel Mosheh mi-Sinai, ha-Shekhinah ṿeha-dibur be-Sinai uva-Ohel moʻed, seder ha-parashiyot shel matan Torah, Mosheh Rabenu ṿe-talmidaṿ ; Shaʻar 2. ha-Neviʼim : ha-Zeḳenim, ha-Shofṭim, ha-Neviʼim, Anshe keneset ha-gedolah -- ḥeleḳ 2. Shaʻar 3. ha-Tanaʼim : Bayit sheni, Yavneh, Bet Hilel u-Vet Shamai, R. ʻAḳiva ṿe-talmidaṿ, R. Yehudah ha-Naśi ; Shaʻar 4. ha-Amoraʼim : ha-dor ha-rishon shel ha-Amoraʼim, ha-dor ha-sheni ha-shelishi ṿeha-reviʻi shel ha-Amoraʼim ; (...)
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    The harm principle and the greatest happiness principle: the missing link.Cinara Nahra - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):99-110.
    Neste artigo, apresento uma solução possível para o clássico problema da aparente incompatibilidade entre o Princípio da Maior Felicidade de John Stuart Mill e seu Princípio da Liberdade, argumentando que na esfera "concernente aos outros" os julgamentos de experiência e o conhecimento acumulado através da história têm força moral e legal, enquanto na esfera "autoconcernente" os julgamentos dos experientes têm apenas valor prudencial, e a razão para isto é a ideia que cada um de nós é um juiz, melhor do (...)
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  32.  17
    The Hebrew Sources of Tortosa’s Disputation.Francesco Bianchi - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (4):97-119.
    The Disputation or Cathechesis of Tortosa with its sixty-nine sessions (February 7, 1413-November 12, 1413) was the longest of the Jewish Christian encounters in the Middle Age. Stirred by the Avignonesian Pope Benedict XIII, Geronimo de Sancta Fide, olim Yehoshua ha-Lorki, summoned a group of Catalan and Aragonese rabbis to inform them that the Messiah was already came. Not only the Papal notaries recorded the excruciating debates, but also two Hebrew sources: the anonymous and fragmentary letter published by Halberstam in (...)
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  33. Será Procedente o Argumento de Kripke Contra a Teoria da Identidade Tipo-Tipo?Domingos Faria - 2014 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 70 (1):112-131.
    Resumo O meu objetivo neste artigo é examinar criticamente o argumento de Kripke contra a teoria da identidade tipo-tipo. Assumindo a tese da necessidade da identidade, bem como a tese da designação rígida, Kripke sustenta que se a dor é idêntica à estimulação das fibras C, então a dor é necessariamente idêntica à estimulação das fibras C. No entanto, precisamente porque a proposição expressa pela frase “a dor não é idêntica à estimulação das fibras C” é uma possibilidade metafísica, Kripke (...)
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  34. Lord, Lord, Have Pity On Me And Deliver Me! - Fragments From Portuguese Journal.Mircea Eliade - 2006 - Studia Philosophica 1.
    20 November 1942 Writing the article, “Dor - A suadade romena” for Acção, I read again Eminescu’s “Mai am un singur dor”. Heretofore I believed that it has to do with his desire for reintegration in the Cosmos. Now I’m beginning to think it’s something else: the desire to find again, through death, his true cosmic family . Not reintegration - but the return home, to his own.
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  35.  12
    To Die and to Kill for a Multicultural State.Menachem Mautner - 2024 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 18 (2):163-180.
    Israel’s conduct in the Occupied Territories in recent decades has been profoundly affected by three theologies: the messianic-kabalistic theology of Rabbi Abraham Yitzhak Ha-Cohen Kook and his son Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Ha-Cohen Kook; the messianic-Hasidic-kabalistic-racist theology of Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg; the violent, racist theology of Rabbi Meir Kahane. In the spirit of the three theologies, Israeli politics of the past four and a half decades has set the continuous possession of Judea and Samaria, and the deepening and expansion of (...)
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    Listy sada Morīi.E. I. Rerikh - 1994 - Ashgabat: Ylym.
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  37. Problema sovremennago pravosoznanīi︠a︡.I. A. Ilʹin - 1923 - Berlin:
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  38. Tochnostʹ, istina i rost znanii︠a︡.V. I. Kuraev, F. V. Lazarev & V. A. Lektorskii - 1988 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by F. V. Lazarev & V. A. Lektorskiĭ.
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  39. Petrit︠s︡i.I. D. Pant︠s︡khava - 1982 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
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    Slovo pro svobodu ĭ vidpovidalʹnistʹ: Init︠s︡iatyvna hrupa "Pershoho hrudni︠a︡" v dokumentakh i tekstakh.Olena Sharhovsʹka & I︠A︡ryna I︠A︡synevych (eds.) - 2018 - Kyïv: Dukh i Litera.
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    Motivação E realismo na filosofia moral de Hume.André Klaudat - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (142):7-21.
    RESUMO Neste texto argumento que a filosofia moral de Hume tem uma base realista num sentido específico. Os sentimentos "peculiares" da moralidade, as formas morais de dor e prazer na contemplação das ações, sentimentos e caracteres dos outros, estão assentados sobre uma base pertencente à nossa sensibilidade que envolve o fato bruto da realidade da dor e do prazer. Argumento que a ênfase de Hume na "praticalidade" da moral não está a serviço prioritariamente de um projeto filosófico de explicação do (...)
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  42. Dimensional theoretical properties of some affine dynamical systems.Jörg Neunhäuserer - 1999 - Dissertation,
    In this work we study dimensional theoretical properties of some a±ne dynamical systems. By dimensional theoretical properties we mean Hausdor® dimension and box- counting dimension of invariant sets and ergodic measures on theses sets. Especially we are interested in two problems. First we ask whether the Hausdor® and box- counting dimension of invariant sets coincide. Second we ask whether there exists an ergodic measure of full Hausdor® dimension on these invariant sets. If this is not the case we ask the (...)
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  43. Rodonachalʹniki slavi︠a︡nofilʹstva: Alekseĭ Khomi︠a︡kov i Ivan Kireevskiĭ.T. I. Blagova - 1995 - Moskva: Vysshai︠a︡ shkola.
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  44. Mastūrāt keliʼe inqilābī taqārīr: yaʻnī bayānāt dar majālis-i mastūrāt.Raḥīmī Carthāvlī & Muḥammad Idrīs Ḥabbān - 2013 - Devband: Maktabah T̤ayyibah. Edited by Fahmīdah Sufyān.
    Study on conduct of life of Muslim women and women in Islamic perspective.
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  45. Kkumtʻŭl kŏryŏra ssiara!: Ham Sŏk-hŏn ŭi oechʻim.Kim Pyŏng-hŭi - 1988 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Kŭmmundang.
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  46.  6
    Hastī az dū chashmʹandāz: muqāyasah-ʼi hastīʹshināsī-i Ibn Sīnā dar Ishārāt va tanbīhāt bā hastīʹshināsī-i Arasṭū dar mitāʹfīzīk.Iskandar Ṣāliḥī - 2018 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Nigāh-i Muʻāṣir (vābastah bih Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Nigāh-i Muʻāṣir). Edited by Bāsim Al-Rassām & Avicenna.
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  47. Ėsteticheskoe vospitanie: voprosy teorii i praktiki.V. I. Samokhvalova (ed.) - 1990 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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    A.A. Tikhonov: filosofii︠a︡ i zhiznʹ: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.A. I︠U︡ Tikhonova (ed.) - 2020 - Ulʹi︠a︡novsk: FGBOU VO "UlGPU im. I.N. Ul'i︠a︡nova.
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  49. (1 other version)VI Vserossiĭskai︠a︡ konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡ "Filosofii Vostochno-Aziatskogo regiona i sovremennai︠a︡ t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ii︠a︡" (Moskva, 25-26 mai︠a︡ 2000 g.).M. L. Titarenko, A. E. Lukʹi︠a︡nov & V. F. Feoktistov (eds.) - 2000 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t Dalʹnego Vostoka, T︠S︡entr nauch. informat︠s︡ii i dokumentat︠s︠ii.
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  50. Kongsan Song Chun-p'il ŭi Sŏngni sasang kwa sahoejŏk silch'ŏn undong : Hanjuhak kwaŭi kwallyŏnsŏng ŭl chungsim ŭro.Sim To-hŭi - 2021 - In Wŏn-sik Hong, Hanju hakp'a chaejŏn chejadŭl kwa Yŏngnam yuhyŏndŭl ŭi hwaltong kwa sasang: Ilche kangjŏmgi ŭi 'Nakchunghak'. Taegu Kwangyŏksi: Kyemyŏng Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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